By beeXan
I think it's a little too late for me to do this however this is me... hihihi. Apa-apa pun, as the sole crew of Xanotopia, I would like to wish all the readers (is there any?) 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI DAN MAAF ZAHIR BATIN'. May Allah blessed you all during this festive season... Amin.
By beeXan

Hahaha... my last post ada mentioned bout my boss is resigning. And you know what, on her last day, she wrote an e-mail and mail it to all my colleague. In her e-mail she gave us some advice and what so special about the e-mail is, she commented everyone individually. Wah, never tought that she was this observant before. Hihi.
The funny thing is, her message to me. It sounded something like this la, "You've got potential, don't let your emotion get over you", aiyoo, am I that obviously emotional? Huhu, maybe sometimes kot. Well, can't cover mah, I think I need to buy a big mirror and put it on my desk, so I can observe my facial expression so people won't notice when I'm emotional. Hahaha.
Anyway, it doesn't hurt to be emotional lah. Maybe, sometimes jer it bothers you. Ya la, bila dah emotional, your mind become weak, and when your mind become weak, you cannot work. Apa-apa pun, my emotional-self in controlable. The remote control is still with me. Can't be emotional all the time mah. Nanti cepat tua... :P
Pic: Pic shown above is not my pic. That's Andre Aggassi tryin' to be emotional like me. Although my face is much more better la bila I'm emotional. Takde la teruk macam tu. Hihihi (pic credit to its owner)
By beeXan

Tomorrow is the last day my lovely boss Kak Liza will be working with us. It was a shock to hear the news of her resignation. Ya la, the project is still on and our captain of the boat finally decided to leave the ship. Hmmm. I don't blame her tho, her time has come. It's not like we'll get this opportunity everyday. Once you get it, just grab it la.
Apa-apa pun, it's been great working with her. Hope she doesn't forget us and may Allah bless her with her future undertakings. And I hope she'll be replaced with a better boss. Hopefully...
Pic: My boss in yellowish green baju kurung with the rest of my team-mates.