A Book and A Dictionary

Last Thursday and Friday, I've attended a course on Business Writing Skill and it was so exciting. The instructor was so friendly and lively. Well, for a first course I attend since I joined this company, it really worth it la. Although the class seems like a high school English class (learning past tense, present tense etc.) I found it very useful with my work environment. Ya la, always use rojak English or Manglish in the office (<- Here are some sample), so need to improve la. Hihihi. After attended the course, I was so eager to write an e-mail and thanks to one of my vendor (actually he's keep bugging me with e-mail) I can practice my skills to reply his mail. Hahahaha. Hopefully he doesn't surprise with the mail. Oh, maybe that's why he never replies. Hihihi.
During the class, the instructor recommended us to buy two books. Well, it's been a while since I've bought my Harry Potter: The Order of The Phoenix. So, it book hunting time again. I went to Popular Bookstore at Ampang Point yesterday, and waalaa! I found those books. The first book is a dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, and the second one is Model Business Letters, E-mails & Other Business Documents by Shirley Taylor. Actually it wasn't hard to find those books and thank god they've got discount at Popular Bookstore. Those two book cost only around RM90. So don't need to spend so much la for the knowledge that I'll get.
Hopefully, after this my writing skills will improve. So now, the important thing is to enrich my vocabulary. Still a long way to go. To all the readers, remember to get those books. Well, I'm not getting any money advertising this on my blog, just sharing something useful for all of us. Ok, see ya then...!!!

Hopefully, after this my writing skills will improve. So now, the important thing is to enrich my vocabulary. Still a long way to go. To all the readers, remember to get those books. Well, I'm not getting any money advertising this on my blog, just sharing something useful for all of us. Ok, see ya then...!!!