The Firewall is on fire... :P
We had a firewall migration testing last Saturday and I had to stay at the office from 10pm till 8.00am the next day. Everything was fine and the testing on the system was smooth . So, with all the confidence, our vendors stated that the migration was successful. So after the long hours staying at the office, I took a day off yesterday. Well, need to cover up my sleepiness... hihihi.
Today, I went to the office as usual la. Turn on my PC and open up my mail box. There was a lot of mails regarding to the testing and one of it is from my boss, congratulating me for the successful testing. And for a while, I felt the whole world was mine. Hihihi.
Today, I went to the office as usual la. Turn on my PC and open up my mail box. There was a lot of mails regarding to the testing and one of it is from my boss, congratulating me for the successful testing. And for a while, I felt the whole world was mine. Hihihi.
At 9.00am, I went to Menara Telekom coz I had a meeting there. I've spent half of my days there and my concern about the firewall faded away. After a long discussion with the client, I came back to the office at 1.00pm and go straight to the food court for lunch.
After lunch, still, everything was the same. Suddenly, at 3.00pm, "beeXan, line KL got problem ker?", first call. "beeXan, line Selangor got problem ker?", second call. "beeXan, lot of customer claim that they can't login into the system!". O'oh, straight away I test the line, and everything was ok actually. So I called our IT people for more details and guess what, "beeXan, there's something wrong with da firewall la", "What!!! What happen? Did somebody accidently kicked the server ke? Or maybe the firewall is on fire", "Hahahaha, so funny, no la. Still need to check". Aiyoooo...
Suddenly my cubicle became very busy. All the line testing, operation calling, alamak... so pening la. The phone keeps ringing, and the operation keep shouting, "Bila line nak ok?". Huhuhu, what a day la. Suddenly, I've remembered Shaggy Dog, the part where if you want to find calm, meditate... wekekekek :P
The problem still didn't resolve until office hour ends. So, I need to stay back la. We also has advised all our customer to do all of their transaction manually. Although there was a lot of complaint but what to do. There's no choice. However, the problem solved at 7.00pm. And I was so happy that my 'Well Done' from my boss wouldn't go away just like that. Hihihi. That's my story. End.