Long Time No Blog
Lama betul aku tak blog. Malas -lah. Tak ada benda yang nak ditulis. My life lately are very busy doing somebody else's job. Pretty annoying tho, but what to do, I'm still considered as a junior here. Damn...!!!
Nothing much changed in my life since 16th April 2006 (my last blog entry date). Still a busy project analyst with a lot of project to handle. Lepas satu, satu projek yang datang. Tensen ah dang ding dong lah. Huhuhu.
Lama betul aku tak blog. Malas -lah. Tak ada benda yang nak ditulis. My life lately are very busy doing somebody else's job. Pretty annoying tho, but what to do, I'm still considered as a junior here. Damn...!!!
Nothing much changed in my life since 16th April 2006 (my last blog entry date). Still a busy project analyst with a lot of project to handle. Lepas satu, satu projek yang datang. Tensen ah dang ding dong lah. Huhuhu.

That's all for today. I'm thinking to change my cara menulis la. I want to be more natural. Maybe before this macam terkongkong sangat kot (<- terkongkong oleh diri sendiri). So, until my next post... Daa...!!!