Monday Blues...

Hmmm... awal pulak sampai ofis pagi nie. I've estimated to reach office dalam pukul 8.15-8.20, tp kul 7.50 dah sampai. Dunno why jalan clear hari ni. Apa-apa pun still mengantuk la. Penat testing dua hari berturut-turut tak hilang lagi ni. Bole tak nak amik unrecorded leave?
Yeap, I've came to the office last weekend. Testing CMS on Saturday and got DR simulation testing on Sunday. Really tiring, but have to do it. Need to make sure everything is running as per it is. Tapikan, on Saturday tu, my boss didn't show up pun. Most of my team were there, but he wasn't. Hmmm, poyo la tu. the other day bukan main lagi, ayat-ayat motivation, but come lah on weekend, and give us motivation. Whatever-lah!
Hmmm... awal pulak sampai ofis pagi nie. I've estimated to reach office dalam pukul 8.15-8.20, tp kul 7.50 dah sampai. Dunno why jalan clear hari ni. Apa-apa pun still mengantuk la. Penat testing dua hari berturut-turut tak hilang lagi ni. Bole tak nak amik unrecorded leave?
Yeap, I've came to the office last weekend. Testing CMS on Saturday and got DR simulation testing on Sunday. Really tiring, but have to do it. Need to make sure everything is running as per it is. Tapikan, on Saturday tu, my boss didn't show up pun. Most of my team were there, but he wasn't. Hmmm, poyo la tu. the other day bukan main lagi, ayat-ayat motivation, but come lah on weekend, and give us motivation. Whatever-lah!
Got a lot to do today. Terlampau byk benda pending. Tak tau mana nk start dulu nie. But the most importante thing to do is the GL testing la kot. Better start preparing the test script. Nanti GG bising lagi. Ok, chowee!
p/s: In the process of facelifting this site. Looks kinda dull la.
p/s: In the process of facelifting this site. Looks kinda dull la.