
It's a basic understanding, when you've got a lot to do, PRIORITISE! But, in my case, everything is priority. What should start first?
Yup, everyday the same thing happen. Just like today la. Need to choose whether to go to Perodua or AG. Both are priority. Dunno why at last I choose AG. However, still need to go to Perodua tomorrow coz I didn't come today. Aiyoo.
Basically my life has become a big non-stop marry-go-round lah. Everything keeps spinning around without giving me my sweet time to take a breath. Ok, I'll take it as a challenge. Hoping for the best!
Yup, everyday the same thing happen. Just like today la. Need to choose whether to go to Perodua or AG. Both are priority. Dunno why at last I choose AG. However, still need to go to Perodua tomorrow coz I didn't come today. Aiyoo.
Basically my life has become a big non-stop marry-go-round lah. Everything keeps spinning around without giving me my sweet time to take a breath. Ok, I'll take it as a challenge. Hoping for the best!