beeXan 24th Edition

By beeXan
Kalau buku, setiap tahun terbitannya pasti dilabelkan sebagai edisi baru. I think the same applies with human gak la. Well, our life is like a thick story book. Macam-macam ada. Walaupun tak seadventurous seperti Indiana Jones, tak semagical Harry Potter, mahupun kuat Superman, namun perjalanan kehidupan kita memang penuh dengan kisah yang pelbagai.

Hari ini genaplah usiaku 24 tahun. Jadi, hidup aku dah masuk edisi ke-24. Banyak kisah suka dan duka sepanjang berlayar selama 24 tahun ni. Tapi Alhamdulillah, atas izin-Nya, aku masih kekal berdiri, walaupun belum betul-betul tegak, namun nampak jelas yang aku mampu berdiri.

Terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada sahabat-sahabat yang mengingati, terutama kepada rakan-rakan office yang buat surprise party. Ada meeting tergempar katanya, rupa-rupa surprise party pula. Hahahah. Thanks you guys. Never had this kind of surprise before. Thanks juga kepada yang memberi hadiah. Tak kiralah besar atau kecil, tapi semua itu akan ku kenang buat selamanya.

Akhir sekali, semoga hidup aku lebih sempurna lepas ni. Akan ku cuba berdiri tegak sampai semua orang nampak. Bukan senang nak senang dan insya-Allah, akan ku usahakan... amin.


LOTR vs Star Wars

By beeXan
Dah lama aku tak beli game baru. Ye la, dulu bila ada game baru, mesti tak dapat nak main. Bukannya apa, tapi my monitor can't view the game. Dah ler nak tunggu install tu lama, and bila dah abis install, tak leh nak main pulak. Tensen.

Oleh yang sedemikian, selepas mendapat monitor yang baru ni, terus membuak-buak perasaan nak beli game baru. So, last week, aku beli la 2 game, Lord of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 and Star Wars: Empire at War. Both are strategy game, sebab aku memang suka game genre macam nie. Both games are good actually, but I prefer playin' LOTR coz the gameplay is more understandable and easy to understand. Star Wars pun ok gak, lagi-lagi bila gameplay war at space, very interesting. Ok, nak sambung main. Daa...!!!

The Firewall is on fire... :P

By beeXan
We had a firewall migration testing last Saturday and I had to stay at the office from 10pm till 8.00am the next day. Everything was fine and the testing on the system was smooth . So, with all the confidence, our vendors stated that the migration was successful. So after the long hours staying at the office, I took a day off yesterday. Well, need to cover up my sleepiness... hihihi.

Today, I went to the office as usual la. Turn on my PC and open up my mail box. There was a lot of mails regarding to the testing and one of it is from my boss, congratulating me for the successful testing. And for a while, I felt the whole world was mine. Hihihi.

At 9.00am, I went to Menara Telekom coz I had a meeting there. I've spent half of my days there and my concern about the firewall faded away. After a long discussion with the client, I came back to the office at 1.00pm and go straight to the food court for lunch.

After lunch, still, everything was the same. Suddenly, at 3.00pm, "beeXan, line KL got problem ker?", first call. "beeXan, line Selangor got problem ker?", second call. "beeXan, lot of customer claim that they can't login into the system!". O'oh, straight away I test the line, and everything was ok actually. So I called our IT people for more details and guess what, "beeXan, there's something wrong with da firewall la", "What!!! What happen? Did somebody accidently kicked the server ke? Or maybe the firewall is on fire", "Hahahaha, so funny, no la. Still need to check". Aiyoooo...

Suddenly my cubicle became very busy. All the line testing, operation calling, alamak... so pening la. The phone keeps ringing, and the operation keep shouting, "Bila line nak ok?". Huhuhu, what a day la. Suddenly, I've remembered Shaggy Dog, the part where if you want to find calm, meditate... wekekekek :P

The problem still didn't resolve until office hour ends. So, I need to stay back la. We also has advised all our customer to do all of their transaction manually. Although there was a lot of complaint but what to do. There's no choice. However, the problem solved at 7.00pm. And I was so happy that my 'Well Done' from my boss wouldn't go away just like that. Hihihi. That's my story. End.

Far Away...

By beeXan
I've downloaded this song for a friend actually, however, once I've heard the lyric and the song, owwhhh, I've been playin' it everytime I open my PC. The lyric is simple but meaningful, ya la for someone like me, hihi. So I want to dedicate this song for someone who is far away, but remember, distance does not matter.

[by Nickelback]

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know


That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

One my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know


So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go

A change of view...

By beeXan

Wah lah wei, got myself a new monitor last night. Wah, my view in computing change since. Hihihi. Actually, I've been thinking to change my monitor since last year. However with all the constraints, my dream were left dream. Ya la, still jobless at that time of the year. Huhuhu.

Now, Alhamdullillah, I've got the things that I've dreamt for. Maybe it is quite extreme (ya la, suddenly change everything... opppss not everything...), but must always be "beringatla" and thank Allah I've got my mum to control my exepenses. Kalau tidak, abis all of my stuff I change. hihihi.

Here are the specs of my new monitor:
  • 19" Screen Size
  • SXGA 1280 x 1024 Resolution
  • 450cd/M2 High Brightness with Clear Bright Technology
  • 12ms Fast Response Time
  • 1000:1 Contrast Ratio
  • Light Sensor automatically adjusts display's brightness

BMW Sauber @ KLCC

By beeXan
Went to Suria KLCC yesterday, and guess what, I've stumbled upon BMW Sauber F1 car showcase. Actually, I'm not a big fan of F1 and even sports. Quite awkward actually, ya la, most of my colleagues in the office often had a chat about sports and stuff and I just sitting next to them smiling. Hahahaha. Anyway, forget bout that, not writing bout that tho.

The team was formerly known as Sauber Petronas has become one of our country's pride. However after they made a deal to use BMW's engine, the team changed the name to BMW Sauber. Don't really know the details but the car really looks better now.

And, thank god I brought my camera along. Actually, I left it in the car. So when I saw the showcase, I rushed back to my car to get the camera. Hahahaha. Well, you don't see an F1 car everyday right. The tickets also are expensive. So, shouldn't miss this opportunity to snap the photo of the car la. So enjoy the photos ya...!!!

A Book and A Dictionary

By beeXan
Last Thursday and Friday, I've attended a course on Business Writing Skill and it was so exciting. The instructor was so friendly and lively. Well, for a first course I attend since I joined this company, it really worth it la. Although the class seems like a high school English class (learning past tense, present tense etc.) I found it very useful with my work environment. Ya la, always use rojak English or Manglish in the office (<- Here are some sample), so need to improve la. Hihihi. After attended the course, I was so eager to write an e-mail and thanks to one of my vendor (actually he's keep bugging me with e-mail) I can practice my skills to reply his mail. Hahahaha. Hopefully he doesn't surprise with the mail. Oh, maybe that's why he never replies. Hihihi.

During the class, the instructor recommended us to buy two books. Well, it's been a while since I've bought my Harry Potter: The Order of The Phoenix. So, it book hunting time again. I went to Popular Bookstore at Ampang Point yesterday, and waalaa! I found those books. The first book is a dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, and the second one is Model Business Letters, E-mails & Other Business Documents by Shirley Taylor. Actually it wasn't hard to find those books and thank god they've got discount at Popular Bookstore. Those two book cost only around RM90. So don't need to spend so much la for the knowledge that I'll get.

Hopefully, after this my writing skills will improve. So now, the important thing is to enrich my vocabulary. Still a long way to go. To all the readers, remember to get those books. Well, I'm not getting any money advertising this on my blog, just sharing something useful for all of us. Ok, see ya then...!!!


Deboque Da Elegant

By beeXan
This is the latest photo of Deboque. Loves her tail, the fur makes her looks elegant. Hope her babies will be ok and cute like their mom also. Just don't be fussy and arrogant like her dah la. Hihihi...

Sebarkan Benih-benih Cinta...

By beeXan
"Laskar Cinta.. Sebarkanlah Benih Benih Cinta..
Musnahkanlah Virus Virus Benci..
Virus Yang Bisa Rusakkan Jiwa..
Dan Busukkan Hati..
Laskar Cinta..Ajarkanlah Ilmu Tentang Cinta..
Karena Cinta Adalah Hakikat..
Dan Jalan Yang Terang Bagi Semua..
Umat Manusia..."
~Laskar Cinta - Dewa

I've heard this song at ERA last week and the moment I heard it, hatiku tertambat. The music and the lyric is so beautiful and simple actually, no need of lyric yang meleret-leret. Ringkas dan padat. Love the part "Sebarkanlah benih-benih cinta, Musnahkanlah virus-virus benci, virus yang bisa rusakkan jiwa dan busukkan hati", the wording are so deep. Ya la, it is true, hatred is just like a virus, a virus that can be spread in a lot of ways, even worse from HIV or Avian flu. You can be infected by just reading a newspaper or maybe playing video games. Hmmm...

No More YM in Da Office...!!!

By beeXan
Actually it has been started as a company policy since last month lagi, but only today baru tergerak hati to jot it here. Well, it's been a miserable decision made by the management. Ya la, I know that it is not appropriate to chit chat with friends during office hours but please think about the cheap-and-easy-communication method that YM provided. Working as a system and project analyst means that I need to get in touch with the clients and vendors as much as possible. And for me, sometimes we can misinterpret using the phone. Ya la, everything we said is only verbal, so there's no confirmation on it. While using YM, you can save all the messages and use it as a prove that you've already talked to the respective person. Haha... clever me.

Well, I'm not going to complain much as long as they still didn't disconnect my phone line udah la. Just wanna to share my thoughts here. But thank God I've got Meebo, so my YMing didn't stop there. Hopefully our IT Security won't block this site... :P

What a day...!!!

By beeXan
Huhuhu... today I spent my whole day visiting our client in Putrajaya and we're having the most boring, irritating and unfruitful visit ever. This had been the worst day in this week (yeah, I've got a lot of bad days every week.. haha). It's not that I'm complaining but it is the truth. My life sucks sometimes. Got to mandi bunga la I think.

The 'experience' starts at 7.00am when I got out from my home in Selayang and have to drive more than 50km to reach Putrajaya. Well, sejak harga minyak dah naik nie maka bertambah-tambah la expenses aku on gas. So, to fulfill my destiny (amboi, destiny ker?) I need to swipe my Visa to get a full tank of gas to reach there. Huhu, there goes my RM40 from my salary next month. Don't wanna te be in da blacklist maa...!!!

I took MRR2 to reach Putrajaya, and the traffic was so bad. Actually it is not as bad as Jalan Kuching but still it was bad. Thank God I burned some of my favourite songs onto a CD last night, so I can sing out loud in my car. Well, tak syok la kalau duduk senyap-senyap dalam keter tu, need something to spice things up. Hahaha.

After that long journey at MRR2, I've 'selamatly' reached Putrajaya at 8.15am. Try to find a parking but damn, it was full. So, dengan selambanya, aku mem'parking' kereta aku betul-betul dekat jalan nak keluar from parking lot tu. Well, there was some space there, cukup-cukup for my car. Kira halallah. Lagi pun most of the cars there parked like that, well, rules are made to be brokenkan...:P

Met my colleagues at the cafeteria, ye la, makan-makan dulu sebab baru pukul 8.30am and we scheduled to meet them at 9.30am. So, still early la. Kat kafe tu, aku amikla magee goreng + meehoon goreng + milo ais. So, took the food over to the table and start eating. Ya Allah, tawar giler magee goreng dia. Nyesal pulak aku amik. Ish ish ish, sedap lagi magee kat cafe ofis aku. Hmmm... nasib baik la meehoon goreng dia bole tahan. So, makan sambil babbling la aku pagi tu... hahahaha.

9.00am we start walking to our client office. So, blessed with our corporate look, we entered the office and start searching the user of our system. Once we met her, suddenly she was asking "You guys datang sini nak amik PC yek???". What dah h**l. Apa nie, we came here to install the new patch of the system. Ye la, from what I've understand yesterday, they said that their new back-end system are going on production today, but damn, even the user wasn't aware bout this. Aren't they communicating each other. How do they work yek. OMG. "No lah Pn J, we came here to install the new patch for our system. Ye la, we heard that your G system is going live today, so we need to some adjustment la", "Oh ye ker, I tak tau pun G system tu live ari ni. Nanti I call Pn L yek". Aiyooo...!!!

We waited for another 30 minutes until the right person (hopefully...) came to the office. "Wah, org-org M dah sampai la, very effective", "Pn W, mana Pn L?", "Pn L ada meeting, hmmm... you guys datang sini nak buat apa yek???", Ya Allah, not that question again please. Apa kena diorang nie. Ingat dekat ker kitorang datang, jauh tu. Atau sajer nk buat lawak April Fool kat sini, eh bukan skang nie bulan March ker, ada ker March fool...???

"Pn W, saya difahamkan yang hari nie G system going live, so kita kena la buat adjustment kat system kami", "Oh ye ker, kalau camtu, you all buat la apa yg patut". From there, I know that today will be a loooonnggg day. Huhuhu.

10.30 am - One rep of their vendor came in, and again, "What should I do ya?", "Cik N, please install the decryption software ya coz we don't have it", "Oh ok". The installation was smooth and we've successfully installed our new patch onto the system. We've also tested the system with a dummy data and it was OK. So we requested the client to send a real data FTPed to the PC for us to test before it goes production. "Sekejap ye En beeXan, kitorang tgh nak prepare the file. Boleh x you all tunggu, rasa-rasanya file tu siap dalam pukul 2.30pm", 2.30pm!!! Woi, I've got a lot of work waiting for me at the office. So I told them that we can't wait that long, but sarcasticly, "Siapa bos you? Nanti I suruh bos I call bos you", aduuiii, nothin to say maa. Well, actually this client is very the important client to our company. So we need to fulfill every of their request. So, dengan hati yang berat, "Okla, we'll wait for the file", "Haa, kalau macam tu ok la."

Lunch - We had lunch at Menara PJH, just across the street jer (oopppss, nk reveal ker who's that client... hahahaha). The food there was good la, and the view was so beautiful. Ya la, bukan selalu dapat makan near Putrajaya's lake. So masa lunch nie la digunakan nk meluahkan perasaan sesama sendiri with my colleagues. Hahaha.

2.00pm - Came back to the office, "Pn J, file tu dah ada ker?", "Well, diorang tgh proses lagi", suddenly, a pack of angry mob entered the room (acah jer... :P). Bukan angry mob la, tp org2 kat ofis tu jugak la. Ye la, agak-agaknyer sumer nk menyaksikan upacara bersejarah, bermulanya penggunaan sistem G. Serius mmg ramai gile, my colleagues and I, slowly keluar from that room. Ye la, dah ler bilik tu not so big, pastu dah ramai camtu jadi crowded plaks. Masa tu aku dah terfikir dah, ada photo shooting ceremony ker nie...??? Wah bole jadi glemer nie, tapi mana wakil press yek? Hahahaha.

3.00pm - "En beeXan, file tu dah siap, but we had some technical diffulties la", "Ha, apa dia?", "Ada firewall... bla bla bla...", well actually aku malas nk dengar sebab aku dah fed-up. I asked them "Haven't you test the system before?", "Hmmmm... nope", Ya Allah, sungguh tak professional la diorang nie. Usually kalau masuk meeting, mesti system kompeni aku jer yang kena bambu. Ha tengok skang nie, system dia lagi teruk. And again, "Boleh tak you all tunggu sekejap, nanti dah ok kitorang panggil". So sebab malas nak tgk muka diorang, kitorang ke cafe to have a tea.

4.30pm - "The system still not Ok la En beeXan", "So camner?", "Bole tak you all datang esok?", "Haaa... besok I byk meeting la", and again, "Saper bos you? Cik N kan". Aduii, tensen aku dibuatnyer. Bos aku mmg baik, tp kalau dengan diorang nie, dia pun tak boleh nak buat apa-apa. Ye la, higher management dah stated, if they request anything, just give jer. Huhuhu.

"So, esok nanti kalau dah ok, kitorang call yek, see you tomorrow". Huhuhuhu, mmg penat giler arini. What a day. A day full of liaising with unprofessional jerks. What to do, I'm just the kuli for my company, so got to go jugak la. Adui, got headache already...!!!

Bubu & Deboque

By beeXan
Hahaha... semakin hari semakin manja plak kucing-kucing aku ni. Masa mula-mula dapat dulu, dua-dua macam malu-malu kucing, tak nak ngan orang. Tapi sekarang, dah jadi macam kucing normallah, suka gesel-gesel, suka orang usap-usap. Wakakaka...

Ooo... lupa nak introduce, yang warna putih tu nama dia Bubu. Aku ambil nama Bubu sebab suka tengok watak Bubu dalam citer Yogi bear. And kalau korang ingat citer Bubu Cha Cha, ala.. yang citer bas boleh terbang tu. Hahaha, gila nostalgic nama kucing aku ni.

Bubu nie masa kecik giler hyperactive. Bila masuk dalam rumah jer, abis sumer benda dilanggarnya. Tu yang mama aku tak kasik dia masuk dalam rumah, kalau tidak abis la pasu-pasu dia, hihihi. Tapi sejak dia dah akil baligh ni, dah bersopan santun sikit la. Hahaha. Dia ni yang paling manja sekali sebenarnya, kalau aku pergi kerja pagi-pagi, mesti dia memanggil-manggil. :)

Yang hitam ni plak nama dia Deboque, dia ni spesis kucing Parsi, tu yang nampak malas jer. Tapi dia ni sombong sikit, biasak la, perasan lawa, Hahahaha. Tapi sekarang dah ok sikit la. Maybe sebab dia tengah pregnant kot. Sebab tu yang dia jadi manja. Kenapa nama dia Deboque? Sebab masa dia kecik nampak dia ni gemuk giler. And Deboque berasal dari perkataan Debok or Debab, yang bermaksud tembam/gempal/gebu dan perkataan yang semaksud dengannya. Hahaha.

Sebenarnya bukan apa aku nak introduce kucing-kucing aku kat sini. Tapi ini jer la the best shot that I have for both of them. Before this, memang susah giler nak tangkap gambar sebab diorang tak duduk diam. So, biler diorang dah manja nie, senang sikit nak tangkap gambar. Tapi kalau korang perasan, gambar Deboque tu mcm blur skit sebab masa tu dia nk lari dah. Huhuhu.

Xanotopia Version 2.0

By beeXan

Selamat datang sekali lagi aku ucapkan kepada semua pembaca blog aku ni. It's been a while since last I wrote in the blog and when the interest come back, baru aku perasan yang Xanotopia Version 1.0 is very the kelam-kabut one. So, aku pun come out with the brand new Xanotopia, Xanotopia Version 2.0.

Memang busy sejak akhir-akhir ni. Banyak benda yang perlu diselesaikan dan sungguh sekejap masa berlalu. Kiranya, to many things to do, too little time. Apa-apa pun, need to coupe with everything la, ye la, kalau nak kerja lama kat sini...

Dalam masa beberapa bulan ni, banyak jugak benda gembira yang berlaku. Alhamdulillah, Allah tu Maha Adil, disebalik kesusahan dan keperitan yang diberi, mesti ada kegembiraan yang datang sama. Alhamdulillah, aku dah dapat surat konfirm and memang gembira sangatlah. Kiranya everything that I've done dah membuahkan hasillah. Sekali lagi, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Well, kali ni kita tengok plak yek, how rarely I'll update this blog, wakakaka. I'll try my best this time. So ganbatte to me. Daa...!!!