21st Juara Lagu

By beeXan
Baru jer lepas tengok Juara Lagu ke-21 with my mom and adik. Well, got nothing better to do and this is the most waited event of the year (at least by my family-lah) so we kinda do a get together depan TV malam ni. Hihi. Sambil-sambil tengok JL, mama 'paksa' me to belanja Pizza hut (damn that ads on the TV), tapi sekali sekala, apa salahnya... huhu...

Tonight's competition was quite interesting. Even though there was a lot of new faces but the show was ok lah. Yeah, at least I'm entertained by their performance (you're so entertainment-prone). And macam biasa, competition like this, Mama, Adik and I will always have our own predictions. Macam past few years back, it was easy. We will always predict Dato' Siti to win and yes, she'll always win. However after her retirement from JL, the result will always be unpredictable. So, main teka-teka je la.

And for tonight's JL, Mama's prediction was right. Adibah Noor wins. Although my prediction was on Misha Omar, I'm still happy coz Adibah wins. Congratz Adibah. First time joining the competition, terus menang. Memang dah rezki dia tu. Apa-apa pun, if she reads this blog (wah... boleh caya ker...?) Keep up the good work ya...!!!

Hmmm... that's all for tonight. Esok nak kerja. Many things need to be done tomorrow. I hope everything will be as planned. Insya-Allah.

Internet Sangat Slow

By beeXan
Memang betul... internet sangat slow lately. Bosan pulak nak access internet. This is all because the earthquake that strucks Taiwan the other day. So, some internet cable underneath the country was damaged and it affects all users around South East Asia.

So now, just have to wait lah. TM reported that they may need three weeks to rectify the problem, hopefully they hold to their words lah. Susahlah nak torrent and everything. Life's kinda dull without the net.

By beeXan

It's been a while since my last post. A lot of things happen, and so I've been busy with my boring life. Everyday I'm tryin' to come up with an interesting post to put in here, but as always, my head start cramping every time I started to type... hihihi...

Sekejap aje dah 2007. I feel like baru semalam jer masuk 2006. Tapi, macam biasa la, life goes on. Still working in the same company, although baru jer dapat a new boss, but the environment sucks. No further comments ya coz some of my colleagues are reading my blog also mah. Hahaha, to my officemate who happen to read this post, just keep it to urself ya. And to my new boss (aiyoo, he got time to read this blog ka?) Welcome aboard.

Many things happen in 2006. Sweet memories, sad memories, kiranya macam-macam ada. Semuanya nak test our faith whether can withstand all Allah's cubaan & dugaan. Alhamdulillah, masih lagi bertahan. Tapi masih banyak kelemahan yang perlu diperbaiki dan masih banyak kekurangan yang mesti diatasi... cewaahhh... bersandiwara plaks... apa-apa pun ganbatte to myself...!!!

Apapun, I would like to wish you all, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 and SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA 1427H. Semoga segala apa yang kita lakukan will be blessed by Allah. Amin...