A change of view...

By beeXan

Wah lah wei, got myself a new monitor last night. Wah, my view in computing change since. Hihihi. Actually, I've been thinking to change my monitor since last year. However with all the constraints, my dream were left dream. Ya la, still jobless at that time of the year. Huhuhu.

Now, Alhamdullillah, I've got the things that I've dreamt for. Maybe it is quite extreme (ya la, suddenly change everything... opppss not everything...), but must always be "beringatla" and thank Allah I've got my mum to control my exepenses. Kalau tidak, abis all of my stuff I change. hihihi.

Here are the specs of my new monitor:
  • 19" Screen Size
  • SXGA 1280 x 1024 Resolution
  • 450cd/M2 High Brightness with Clear Bright Technology
  • 12ms Fast Response Time
  • 1000:1 Contrast Ratio
  • Light Sensor automatically adjusts display's brightness

4 comments so far.

  1. analogi 9:34 AM
    brapa rm? aku pun ingat nak bli monitor baru ... aku skarang pinjam monitor org ...
  2. beeXan 10:17 AM
    Analogi :
    Tu la psl... mmg dh lama nk beli monitor baru psl my old monitor is only 14" jer... most of the latest game x bole main pakai monitor tu... so 'terpaksa'la beli monitor baru... hihihi

    Baper RM...??? Actually quite expensive la. For more details, go to www.sony.com.my... hhihihi
  3. Anonymous 11:12 AM
    wow wiii...19 incos tuuu!!!
    pas ni nak tukaq apa lak? tukaq jgn x tukaq... hihihi
  4. beeXan 12:04 PM
    Hihihi... pasni nk tuka keter plak... wakakakak... :D

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