Sebarkan Benih-benih Cinta...

By beeXan
"Laskar Cinta.. Sebarkanlah Benih Benih Cinta..
Musnahkanlah Virus Virus Benci..
Virus Yang Bisa Rusakkan Jiwa..
Dan Busukkan Hati..
Laskar Cinta..Ajarkanlah Ilmu Tentang Cinta..
Karena Cinta Adalah Hakikat..
Dan Jalan Yang Terang Bagi Semua..
Umat Manusia..."
~Laskar Cinta - Dewa

I've heard this song at ERA last week and the moment I heard it, hatiku tertambat. The music and the lyric is so beautiful and simple actually, no need of lyric yang meleret-leret. Ringkas dan padat. Love the part "Sebarkanlah benih-benih cinta, Musnahkanlah virus-virus benci, virus yang bisa rusakkan jiwa dan busukkan hati", the wording are so deep. Ya la, it is true, hatred is just like a virus, a virus that can be spread in a lot of ways, even worse from HIV or Avian flu. You can be infected by just reading a newspaper or maybe playing video games. Hmmm...

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